Day 2
The Parts of a C++ Program
programs consist of objects, functions, variables, and other component parts.
Most of this book is devoted to explaining these parts in depth, but to get a
sense of how a program fits together you must see a complete working program.
Today you learn
● The parts
of a C++ program.
● How the parts work together.
A Simple Program
Even the simple program HELLO.CPP from Day 1,
"Getting Started," had many interesting parts. This section will
review this program in more detail. Listing 2.1 reproduces the original version
of HELLO.CPP for your convenience.
Listing 2.1. HELLO.CPP demonstrates the parts of a C++
1: #include
int main()
cout << "Hello
return 0;
Hello World!
On line 1, the file iostream.h is included in the file. The first
character is the # symbol, which is a signal to the preprocessor. Each time you
start your compiler, the preprocessor is run. The preprocessor reads through
your source code, looking for lines that begin with the pound symbol (#), and
acts on those lines before the compiler runs.
include is a preprocessor instruction that says, "What follows is a
filename. Find that file and read it in right here." The angle brackets
around the filename tell the preprocessor to look in all the usual places for
this file. If your compiler is set up correctly, the angle brackets will cause
the preprocessor to look for the file iostream.h in the directory that holds
all the H files for your compiler. The file iostream.h (Input-Output-Stream) is
used by cout, which assists with writing to the screen. The effect of line 1 is
to include the file iostream.h into this program as if you had typed it in
New Term: The preprocessor runs before your compiler each time the
compiler is invoked. The preprocessor translates any line that begins with a
pound symbol (#) into a special command, getting your code file ready for the
Line 3
begins the actual program with a function named main(). Every C++ program has a
main() function. In general, a function is a block of code that performs one or
more actions. Usually functions are invoked or called by other functions, but
main() is special. When your program starts, main() is called automatically.
main(), like all functions, must state what kind of value it will
return. The return value type for main() in HELLO.CPP is void, which means that
this function will not return any value at all. Returning values from functions
is discussed in detail on Day 4, "Expressions and Statements."
All functions begin with an opening brace ({) and end with a closing
brace (}). The braces for the main() function are on lines 4 and 7. Everything
between the opening and closing braces is considered a part of the function.
The meat
and potatoes of this program is on line 5. The object cout is used to print a
message to the screen. We'll cover objects in general on Day 6, "Basic
Classes," and cout and its related object cin in detail on Day 17,
"The Preprocessor." These two objects, cout and cin, are used in C++
to print strings and values to the screen. A string is just a set of
Here's how cout is used: type the word cout, followed by the output
redirection operator (<<). Whatever follows the output redirection
operator is written to the screen. If you want a string of characters written,
be sure to enclose them in double quotes ("), as shown on line 5.
New Term: A text string is a
series of printable characters.
The final two characters, \n, tell cout to put a new line after the
words Hello World! This special code is explained in detail when cout is
discussed on Day 17.
All ANSI-compliant programs declare main() to return an int. This value
is "returned" to the operating system when your program completes.
Some programmers signal an error by returning the value 1. In this book, main()
will always return 0.
The main() function ends on line
7 with the closing brace.
A Brief Look at cout
On Day 16, "Streams," you will see how to use cout to print
data to the screen. For now, you can use cout without fully understanding how
it works. To print a value to the screen, write the word cout, followed by the
insertion operator (<<), which you create by typing the less-than
character (<) twice. Even though this is two characters, C++ treats it as
Follow the
insertion character with your data. Listing 2.2 illustrates how this is used.
Type in the example exactly as written, except substitute your own name where
you see Jesse Liberty (unless your name is Jesse Liberty, in which case leave
it just the way it is; it's perfect-- but I'm still not splitting royalties!).
Listing 2.2.Using cout.
1: // Listing 2.2 using cout 2:
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
cout << "Hello
cout << "The manipulator
endl writes a new line to the screen." <<
cout << "Here is a very
big number:\t" << 70000 << endl;
cout << "Here is the sum
of 8 and 5:\t" << 8+5 << endl;
cout << "Here's a
fraction:\t\t" << (float) 5/8 << endl;
cout << "And a very very
big number:\t" << (double) 7000
7000 <<
cout << "Don't forget to
replace Jesse Liberty with your name...\n";
cout << "Jesse Liberty is
a C++ programmer!\n";
return 0;
Hello there.
Here is 5: 5
The manipulator endl
writes a new line to the screen.
Here is a very big
Here is the sum of 8
and 5:
Here's a fraction:
And a very very big
Don't forget to replace
Jesse Liberty with your name...
Jesse Liberty is a C++
On line 3, the statement #include <iostream.h> causes the
iostream.h file to be added to your source code. This is required if you use
cout and its related functions.
On line 6 is the simplest use of cout, printing a string or series of
characters. The symbol \n is a special formatting character. It tells cout to
print a newline character to the screen.
Three values are passed to cout on line 7, and each value is separated
by the insertion operator. The first value is the string "Here is 5:
". Note the space after the colon. The space is part of the string. Next,
the value 5 is passed to the insertion operator and the newline character
(always in double quotes or single quotes). This causes the line
Here is 5: 5
to be
printed to the screen. Because there is no newline character after the first
string, the next value is printed immediately afterwards. This is called
concatenating the two values.
On line 8, an informative message is printed, and then the manipulator
endl is used. The purpose of endl is to write a new line to the screen. (Other
uses for endl are discussed on Day 16.)
On line 9, a new formatting character, \t, is introduced. This inserts a
tab character and is used on lines 8-12 to line up the output. Line 9 shows
that not only integers, but long integers as well can be printed. Line 10
demonstrates that cout will do simple addition. The value of 8+5 is passed to
cout, but 13 is printed.
On line 11, the value 5/8 is inserted into cout. The term (float) tells
cout that you want this value evaluated as a decimal equivalent, and so a
fraction is printed. On line 12 the value 7000 * 7000 is given to cout, and the
term (double) is used to tell cout that you want this to be printed using
scientific notation. All of this will be explained on Day 3, "Variables
and Constants," when data types are discussed.
On line 14, you substituted your name, and the output confirmed that you
are indeed a C++ programmer. It must be true, because the computer said so!
When you are writing a program, it is always clear
and self-evident what you are trying to do. Funny thing, though--a month later,
when you return to the program, it can be quite confusing and unclear. I'm not
sure how that confusion creeps into your program, but it always does.
To fight the onset of confusion, and to help others understand your
code, you'll want to use comments. Comments are simply text that is ignored by
the compiler, but that may inform the reader of what you are doing at any
particular point in your program.
Types of Comments
C++ comments come in two flavors: the double-slash (//) comment, and the
slash-star (/*) comment. The double-slash comment, which will be referred to as
a C++-style comment, tells the compiler to ignore everything that follows this
comment, until the end of the line.
The slash-star comment mark tells the compiler to ignore everything that
follows until it finds a star-slash (*/) comment mark. These marks will be
referred to as C-style comments. Every /* must be matched with a closing */.
As you might guess, C-style comments are used in the C language as well,
but C++-style comments are not part of the official definition of C.
Many C++ programmers use the C++-style comment most of the time, and
reserve C-style comments for blocking out large blocks of a program. You can
include C++-style comments within a block "commented out" by C-style
comments; everything, including the C++-style comments, is ignored between the
C-style comment marks.
Using Comments
As a general rule, the overall program should have comments at the
beginning, telling you what the program does. Each function should also have
comments explaining what the function does and what values it returns. Finally,
any statement in your program that is obscure or less than obvious should be
commented as well.
Listing 2.3 demonstrates the use of comments, showing that they do not
affect the processing of the program or its output.
Listing 2.3. HELP.CPP demonstrates comments.
1: #include
int main()
/* this is a comment
and it extends until the closing
star-slash comment mark */
cout << "Hello
// this comment ends at the end of
the line
cout << "That comment
// double slash comments can be alone
on a line
/* as can slash-star comments */
return 0;
Hello World!
That comment ended!
The comments on lines 5 through 7 are completely ignored by the
compiler, as are the comments on lines 9, 12, and 13. The comment on line 9
ended with the
end of
the line, however, while the comments on lines 5 and 13 required a closing comment
Comments at the Top of Each File
It is a
good idea to put a comment block at the top of every file you write. The exact
style of this block of comments is a matter of individual taste, but every such
header should include at least the following information:
The name of the function or program.
The name of the file.
What the function or program does.
● A description of how the program
revision history (notes on each change made).
compilers, linkers, and other tools were used to make the program.
notes as needed.
For example, the following block
of comments might appear at the top of the Hello World program.
(complete program listing in this file)
the words "Hello world" to the screen
Liberty (jl)
version 4, 486/66 32mb RAM, Windows 3.1
is an introductory, sample program.
Revisions: 1.00 10/1/94
(jl) First release
10/2/94 (jl) Capitalized
It is very important that you keep the notes and descriptions up-to-date.
A common problem with headers like this is that they are neglected after their
initial creation, and over time they become increasingly misleading. When
properly maintained, however, they can be an invaluable guide to the overall
The listings in the rest of this book will leave off the headings in an
attempt to save room. That does not diminish their importance, however, so they
will appear in the programs provided at the end of each week.
A Final Word of Caution About
that state the obvious are less than useful. In fact, they can be
counterproductive, because the code may change and the programmer may neglect
to update the comment. What is obvious to one
The bottom line is that comments should not say what is happening, they
should say why it is happening.
DO add comments to your code. DO keep
comments up-to-date. DO use comments
to tell what a section of code does.
DON'T use comments for self-explanatory
While main() is a function, it is an unusual one. Typical functions are
called, or invoked, during the course of your program. A program is executed
line by line in the order it appears in your source code, until a function is
reached. Then the program branches off to execute the function. When the
function finishes, it returns control to the line of code immediately following
the call to the function.
A good
analogy for this is sharpening your pencil. If you are drawing a picture, and
your pencil breaks, you might stop drawing, go sharpen the pencil, and then
return to what you were doing. When a program needs a service performed, it can
call a function to perform the service and then pick up where it left off when
the function is finished running. Listing 2.4 demonstrates this idea.
Listing 2.4. Demonstrating a call to a function.
1: #include
// function Demonstration Function
// prints out a useful message
void DemonstrationFunction()
7: cout
<< "In Demonstration Function\n";
8: } 9:
// function main - prints out a
message, then
// calls DemonstrationFunction, then
prints out
// a second message.
int main()
cout << "In main\n" ;
cout << "Back in
19: }
Demonstration Function
The function DemonstrationFunction() is defined on lines 5-7. When it is
called, it prints a message to the screen and then returns.
Line 13
is the beginning of the actual program. On line 15, main() prints out a message
saying it is in main(). After printing the message, line 16 calls
DemonstrationFunction(). This call causes the commands in
DemonstrationFunction() to execute. In this case, the entire function consists
of the code on line 7, which prints another message. When
DemonstrationFunction() completes (line 8), it returns back to where it was
called from. In this case the program returns to line 17, where main() prints
its final line.
Using Functions
Functions either return a value or they return void, meaning they return
nothing. A function that adds two integers might return the sum, and thus would
be defined to return an integer value. A function that just prints a message
has nothing to return and would be declared to return void.
Functions consist of a header and a body. The header consists, in turn,
of the return type, the function name, and the parameters to that function. The
parameters to a function allow values to be passed into the function. Thus, if
the function were to add two numbers, the numbers would be the parameters to
the function. Here's a typical function header:
int Sum(int a, int b)
A parameter is a declaration of what type of value will be passed in;
the actual value passed in by the calling function is called the argument. Many
programmers use these two terms, parameters and arguments, as synonyms. Others
are careful about the technical distinction. This book will use the terms
The body of a function consists of an opening brace, zero or more
statements, and a closing brace. The statements constitute the work of the
function. A function may return a value, using a return statement. This
statement will also cause the function to exit. If you don't put a return
statement into your function, it will automatically return void at the end of
the function. The value returned must be of the type declared in the function
NOTE: Functions are covered in more detail on Day 5,
"Functions." The types that can be returned from a function are covered in more
det+[radical][Delta][infinity]on Day 3. The information provided today is to
present you with an overview, because functions will be used in almost all of
your C++ programs.
Listing 2.5 demonstrates a function that takes two integer parameters
and returns an integer value. Don't worry about the syntax or the specifics of
how to work with integer values (for example, int x)
Listing 2.5. FUNC.CPP demonstrates a simple function.
#include <iostream.h>
int Add (int x, int y)
cout << "In Add(),
received " << x << " and " << y <<
return (x+y);
int main()
<< "I'm in main()!\n";
a, b, c;
cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
>> a;
>> b;
<< "\nCalling Add()\n";
cout << "\nBack in main().\n";
<< "c was set to " << c;
<< "\nExiting...\n\n";
22: }
I'm in main()!
Enter two numbers: 3 5
Calling Add()
In Add(), received 3
and 5
Back in main(). c was set to 8
function Add() is defined on line 2. It takes two integer parameters and
returns an integer value. The program itself begins on line 9 and on line 11,
where it prints a message. The program prompts the user for two numbers (lines
13 to 15). The user types each number, separated by a space, and then presses
the Enter key. main() passes the two numbers typed in by the user as arguments
to the Add() function on line 17.
Processing branches to the Add() function, which starts on line 2. The
parameters a and b are printed and then added together. The result is returned
on line 6, and the function returns.
In lines 14 and 15, the cin
object is used to obtain a number for the variables a and b, and cout is used
to write the values to the screen. Variables and other aspects of this program
are explored in depth in the next few days.
The difficulty in learning a complex subject, such as programming, is
that so much of what you learn depends on everything else there is to learn.
This chapter introduced the basic
parts of a simple C++ program. It also introduced the development cycle
and a number of important new terms.
What does
#include do?
This is a directive to the
preprocessor, which runs when you call your compiler. This specific directive
causes the file named after the word include to be read in, as if it were typed
in at that location in your source code.
What is
the difference between // comments and /* style comments?
The double-slash comments (//)
"expire" at the end of the line. Slash-star (/*) comments are in
effect until a closing comment (*/). Remember, not even the end of the function
terminates a slash-star comment; you must put in the closing comment mark, or
you will get a compile-time error.
differentiates a good comment from a bad comment?
A good comment tells the reader
why this particular code is doing whatever it is doing or explains what a
section of code is about to do. A bad comment restates what a particular line
of code is doing. Lines of code should be written so that they speak for
themselves. Reading the line of code should tell you what it is doing without
needing a comment.
The Workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding
of the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using
what you've learned. Try to answer the quiz and exercise questions before
checking the answers in Appendix D, and make sure you understand the answers
before continuing to the next chapter.
1. What is the difference between
the compiler and the preprocessor?
What are the two types of comments, and how do they
4. Can comments be nested?
5. Can comments be longer than one
● Write a
program that writes I love C++ to the screen.
● Write the
smallest program that can be compiled, linked, and run.
BUSTERS: Enter this program and compile it. Why does it fail? How can you fix
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
cout << Is there a bug
■ Fix the
bug in Exercise 3 and recompile, link, and run it.
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