Day 4
Expressions and Statements
At its
heart, a program is a set of commands executed in sequence. The power in a program
comes from its capability to execute one or another set of commands, based on
whether a particular condition is true or false. Today you will learn
statements are.
blocks are.
expressions are.
How to
branch your code based on conditions.
truth is, and how to act on it.
In C++ a statement controls the sequence of execution, evaluates an
expression, or does nothing (the null statement). All C++ statements end with a
semicolon, even the null statement, which is just the semicolon and nothing
else. One of the most common statements is the following assignment statement:
x = a + b;
Unlike in algebra, this statement does not mean that x equals a+b. This is read, "Assign the
value of the sum of a and b to x," or "Assign to x, a+b." Even though this
statement is doing two things, it is one statement and thus has one semicolon.
The assignment operator assigns whatever is on the right side of the equal sign
to whatever is on the left side.
(tabs, spaces, and newlines) is generally ignored in statements. The assignment
statement previously discussed could be written as
or as
x =a
+ b ;
Although this last variation is perfectly legal, it is also perfectly
foolish. Whitespace can be used to make your programs more readable and easier
to maintain, or it can be used to create horrific and indecipherable code. In
this, as in all things, C++ provides the power; you supply the judgment.
New Term: Whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, and newlines) cannot be seen. If these characters are printed, you see only the white of the paper.
Blocks and Compound Statements
Any place you can put a single statement, you can
put a compound statement, also called a block. A block begins with an opening
brace ({) and ends with a closing brace (}). Although every statement in the block must end with a semicolon, the
block itself does not end with a semicolon. For example
temp = a; a = b;
= temp;
This block of code acts as one
statement and swaps the values in the variables a and b.
DO use a closing brace any time you have an opening brace. DO end your statements with a semicolon. DO use whitespace judiciously to make your code clearer.
Anything that evaluates to a value is an expression in C++. An
expression is said to return a value. Thus, 3+2; returns the value 5 and so is an expression. All
expressions are statements.
The myriad pieces of code that
qualify as expressions might surprise you. Here are three examples:
returns the value 3.2
float const that returns the value
const that returns 60
Assuming that PI is a constant equal to 3.14 and SecondsPerMinute is a
constant equal to 60, all three of these statements
are expressions.
The complicated expression
x = a + b;
not only adds a and b and assigns the result to x, but
returns the value of that assignment (the value of x) as well. Thus, this statement is also an expression. Because it is an
expression, it can be on the right side of
an assignment operator:
y = x = a + b;
This line is evaluated in the
following order: Add a to b.
the result of the expression a + b to x.
the result of the assignment expression x = a + b to y.
If a, b, x, and y are all integers, and if a has the
value 2 and b has the value 5, both x and y will be assigned the value 7.
Listing 4.1. Evaluating complex expressions.
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int a=0, b=0, x=0, y=35;
cout << "a: "
<< a << " b: " << b;
cout << " x: "
<< x << " y: " << y << endl;
a = 9;
b = 7;
y = x = a+b;
cout << " x: "
<< x << " y: " << y << endl;
13: }
Output: a: 0
x: 0
y: 35
a: 9 b: 7 x: 16
Analysis: On line 4, the four variables are declared and initialized. Their
values are printed on lines 5 and 6. On line 7, a is assigned the
value 9. One line 8, b is assigned the value 7. On line 9, the values of a and b are summed and the result is assigned to x. This expression (x = a+b) evaluates to a
value (the sum of a + b), and that value is in turn assigned to y.
An operator is a symbol that causes the compiler to
take an action. Operators act on operands, and in C++ all operands are
expressions. In C++ there are several different categories of operators. Two of
these categories are
Assignment Operator
The assignment operator (=) causes
the operand on the left side of the assignment operator to have its value
changed to the value on the right side of the assignment operator. The
x = a + b;
assigns the value that is the
result of adding a and b to the operand x.
An operand that legally can be on the left side of an assignment
operator is called an lvalue. That which can be on the right side is called
(you guessed it) an rvalue.
are r-values. They cannot be l-values. Thus, you can write
= 35; //
but you
can't legally write
= x; //
error, not an lvalue!
New Term: An lvalue is an operand that
can be on the left side of an expression. An rvalue is
an operand that can be on the
right side of an expression. Note that all l-values are r-values, but not all
r-values are l-values. An example of an rvalue that is not an lvalue is a
literal. Thus, you can write x = 5;, but you
cannot write 5 = x;.
Mathematical Operators
There are five mathematical operators: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and modulus (%).
Addition and subtraction work as you would expect, although subtraction
with unsigned integers
can lead to surprising results, if the result is a negative number. You saw
something much like this
yesterday, when variable overflow was described. Listing 4.2 shows what
happens when you subtract a large unsigned number from a small unsigned number.
Listing 4.2. A demonstration of subtraction and integer
// Listing 4.2 - demonstrates
subtraction and
// integer overflow
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
unsigned int difference;
unsigned int bigNumber = 100;
unsigned int smallNumber = 50;
difference = bigNumber - smallNumber;
cout << "Difference is:
" << difference;
difference = smallNumber - bigNumber;
cout << "\nNow difference
is: " << difference <<endl;
return 0;
Output: Difference is:
Now difference is:
Analysis: The subtraction operator is invoked on line 10, and the
result is printed on line 11, much as we might expect. The subtraction operator is called again on line
12, but this time a large unsigned number is subtracted from a small unsigned number. The result would be negative, but because it is
evaluated (and printed) as an unsigned number, the result is an overflow, as described yesterday.
topic is reviewed in detail in Appendix A, "Operator Precedence."
Integer Division and Modulus
Integer division is somewhat different from everyday division. When you
divide 21 by 4, the result is a real number (a number with a fraction).
Integers don't have fractions, and so the "remainder" is
lopped off. The answer is therefore 5. To get the remainder, you take 21
modulus 4 (21 % 4) and the result is 1. The modulus operator tells you the
remainder after an integer division.
the modulus can be very useful. For example, you might want to print a
statement on every 10th action. Any number whose value is 0 when you modulus 10
with that number is an exact multiple of 10. Thus 1 % 10 is 1, 2 % 10 is 2, and
so forth, until 10 % 10, whose result is 0. 11 % 10 is back to 1, and this
pattern continues until the next multiple of 10, which is 20. We'll use this
technique when looping is discussed on Day 7, "More Program Flow."
WARNING: Many novice C++ programmers inadvertently put a semicolon
after their if statements:
< 10);
= 10;
What was intended here was to test whether SomeValue is less than 10, and if so, to set it to 10, making 10 the
minimum value for SomeValue. Running
this code snippet will show that SomeValue is always set to 10! Why? The
if statement terminates with the semicolon (the
do-nothing operator). Remember that indentation has no meaning to the
compiler. This snippet could more accurately have been written as:
10) // test
do nothing
SomeValue = 10;
Removing the semicolon will make the final line part of the if statement and will make this code do what was intended.
Combining the Assignment and
Mathematical Operators
It is not uncommon to want to add a value to a variable, and then to
assign the result back into the variable. If you have a variable myAge and you want to increase the value by two, you can write
int myAge = 5;
int temp;
= myAge + 2; // add 5 + 2 and put it
in temp
= temp; //
put it back in myAge
This method, however, is terribly convoluted and wasteful. In C++, you
can put the same variable on both sides of the assignment operator, and thus
the preceding becomes
myAge = myAge + 2;
which is much better. In algebra this expression would be meaningless,
but in C++ it is read as "add two to the value in myAge and assign the result to myAge."
Even simpler to write, but
perhaps a bit harder to read is
myAge += 2;
self-assigned addition operator (+=) adds
the rvalue to the lvalue and then reassigns the result into the lvalue. This
operator is pronounced "plus-equals." The statement would be read
"myAge plus-
equals two." If myAge had the
value 4 to start, it would have 6 after
this statement.
There are self-assigned subtraction (-=),
division (/=), multiplication (*=), and modulus (%=) operators as well.
Increment and Decrement
The most common value to add (or subtract) and then reassign into a
variable is 1. In C++, increasing a value by 1
is called incrementing, and decreasing by 1 is called decrementing. There are
special operators to perform these actions.
The increment operator (++) increases the value of the
variable by 1, and the decrement operator (--)
decreases it by 1. Thus, if you have a variable, C, and you want to increment it, you would use this statement:
C++; //
Start with C and increment it.
This statement is equivalent to
the more verbose statement
C = C + 1;
which you
learned is also equivalent to the moderately verbose statement
C += 1;
Prefix and Postfix
Both the increment operator (++) and the
decrement operator(--) come in two varieties: prefix
and postfix. The prefix variety is written before the variable name (++myAge); the postfix variety is written after (myAge++).
In a simple statement, it doesn't much matter which you use, but in a
complex statement, when you are incrementing (or decrementing) a variable and
then assigning the result to another variable, it matters very much. The prefix
operator is evaluated before the assignment, the postfix is evaluated
The semantics of prefix is this: Increment the value and then fetch it.
The semantics of postfix is different: Fetch the value and then increment the
This can be confusing at first,
but if x is an integer whose value is 5 and you
int a = ++x;
you have
told the compiler to increment x (making it 6) and then fetch that value and assign it to a. Thus, a is now 6 and x is now 6.
If, after doing this, you write
int b = x++;
you have now told the compiler to fetch the value
in x (6) and assign it to b, and then go back and increment x. Thus, b is now 6, but x is now 7. Listing 4.3 shows the use and implications of both types.
Listing 4.3. A demonstration of prefix and postfix
// Listing 4.3 - demonstrates use of
// prefix and postfix increment and
// decrement operators
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int myAge = 39;//
initialize two integers
int yourAge = 39;
cout << "I am: "
<< myAge << " years old.\n";
cout << "You are: "
<< yourAge << " years old\n";
postfix increment
cout << "One year
cout << "I am: "
<< myAge << " years old.\n";
cout << "You are: "
<< yourAge << " years old\n";
cout << "Another year passes\n";
cout << "I am: "
<< myAge++ << " years old.\n";
cout << "You are: "
<< ++yourAge << " years old\n";
cout << "Let's print it
cout << "I am: "
<< myAge << " years old.\n";
cout << "You are: "
<< yourAge << " years old\n";
return 0;
39 years old
You are
One year passes
I am
You are
Another year
I am
You are
Let's print it again
I am
You are
Analysis: On lines 7 and 8, two
integer variables are declared, and each is initialized with the value
39. Their values are printed on
lines 9 and 10.
On line 11, myAge is incremented using the postfix increment operator, and on line 12, yourAge is incremented using the prefix increment operator. The results are
printed on lines 14 and 15, and they are identical (both 40).
On line 17, myAge is
incremented as part of the printing statement, using the postfix increment
Because it is postfix, the increment happens after the print, and so the value 40 is printed again. In contrast, on line 18, yourAge is incremented using the prefix increment operator. Thus, it is
incremented before being printed,
and the value displays as 41.
Finally, on lines 20 and 21, the values are printed again. Because the
increment statement has completed, the value in myAge is now 41, as is the value in yourAge.
In the complex statement
x = 5 + 3 * 8;
which is performed first, the addition or the multiplication? If the
addition is performed first, the answer is 8 * 8, or 64. If the multiplication
is performed first, the answer is 5 + 24, or 29.
Every operator has a precedence value, and the complete list is shown in
Appendix A, "Operator Precedence." Multiplication has higher
precedence than addition, and thus the value of the expression is 29.
When two
mathematical operators have the same precedence, they are performed in
left-to-right order. Thus
x = 5 + 3 + 8 * 9 + 6 *
is evaluated multiplication
first, left to right. Thus, 8*9 = 72, and 6*4 = 24. Now the expression is
x = 5 + 3 + 72 + 24;
Now the addition, left to right,
is 5 + 3 = 8; 8 + 72 = 80; 80 + 24 = 104.
Be careful with this. Some operators, such as assignment, are evaluated
in right-to-left order! In any case, what if the precedence order doesn't meet
your needs? Consider the expression
TotalSeconds =
NumMinutesToThink + NumMinutesToType * 60
In this expression, you do not want to multiply the NumMinutesToType variable by 60 and then add it to NumMinutesToThink. You want to add the two variables to get the total number of
and then you want to multiply that number by 60 to get the total seconds.
In this
case, you use parentheses to change the precedence order. Items in parentheses
are evaluated at a higher precedence than any of the mathematical operators.
TotalSeconds =
(NumMinutesToThink + NumMinutesToType) * 60
will accomplish what you want.
Nesting Parentheses
For complex expressions, you might need to nest parentheses one within
another. For example, you might need to compute the total seconds and then
compute the total number of people who are involved before multiplying seconds
times people:
TotalPersonSeconds = (
( (NumMinutesToThink + NumMinutesToType) *
* Â(PeopleInTheOffice
+ PeopleOnVacation) )
This complicated expression is read from the inside
out. First, NumMinutesToThink is added
to NumMinutesToType, because
these are in the innermost parentheses. Then this sum is multiplied
by 60. Next, PeopleInTheOffice is added to PeopleOnVacation.
Finally, the total number
of people
found is multiplied by the total number of seconds.
This example raises an important related issue.
This expression is easy for a computer to understand, but very difficult for a
human to read, understand, or modify. Here is the same expression rewritten,
using some temporary integer variables:
TotalMinutes =
NumMinutesToThink + NumMinutesToType;
TotalSeconds =
TotalMinutes * 60;
TotalPeople =
PeopleInTheOffice + PeopleOnVacation;
TotalPersonSeconds =
TotalPeople * TotalSeconds;
This example takes longer to write and uses more temporary variables
than the preceding example, but it is far easier to understand. Add a comment
at the top to explain what this code does, and change the 60 to a symbolic constant. You then will have code that is easy to
understand and maintain.
DO remember that expressions have a value. DO use the prefix operator (++variable) to increment or
decrement the variable before it is used in the expression. DO use the postfix operator (variable++) to increment or decrement the variable after it is used. DO use parentheses to change the order
of precedence. DON'T nest too
deeply, because the expression becomes hard to understand and maintain.
The Nature of Truth
In C++, zero is considered false, and all other values are considered
true, although true is usually represented by 1. Thus, if an expression is
false, it is equal to zero, and if an expression is equal to zero, it is false.
If a statement is true, all you know is that it is nonzero, and any nonzero
statement is true.
Relational Operators
The relational operators are used to determine whether two numbers are
equal, or if one is greater or less than the other. Every relational statement
evaluates to either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). The
operators are presented later, in Table 4.1.
If the integer variable myAge has the
value 39, and the integer variable yourAge has the value 40, you can determine whether they
are equal by using the relational "equals" operator:
== yourAge; // is the value in
myAge the same as in yourAge?
This expression evaluates to 0, or false, because
the variables are not equal. The expression
> yourAge; // is myAge greater
than yourAge?
evaluates to 0 or false.
WARNING: Many novice C++ programmers confuse the assignment operator
(=) with the equals operator (==). This can create a nasty bug in your program.
There are six relational operators: equals (==), less than (<),
greater than (>), less
than or equal to (<=),
greater than or equal to (>=), and
not equals (!=). Table 4.1 shows each
relational operator, its use, and a sample code use.
Operator Sample
== 50;
== 50;
!= 50; true
!= 50;
Than >
> 50;
> 50;
Than >=
>= 50;
>= 50;
< 50;
< 50;
<= 50;
<= 50;
DO remember that relational operators return the value 1 (true) or 0 (false). DON'T confuse the assignment operator
(=) with the equals relational
operator (==). This is one of the most common C++ programming mistakes--be on
guard for it.
The if Statement
your program flows along line by line in the order in which it appears in your
source code. The if statement enables you to test
for a condition (such as whether two variables are equal) and branch to
different parts of your code, depending on the result.
The simplest form of an if
statement is this:
if (expression) statement;
The expression in the parentheses can be any expression at all, but it
usually contains one of the relational expressions. If the expression has the
value 0, it is considered false, and the
statement is skipped. If it has any nonzero value, it is considered true, and
the statement is executed. Consider the following example:
if (bigNumber > smallNumber) bigNumber = smallNumber;
This code compares bigNumber and smallNumber. If bigNumber is
larger, the second line sets its value to the value of smallNumber.
Because a block of statements surrounded by braces is exactly equivalent
to a single statement, the following type of branch can be quite large and
if (expression)
Here's a simple example of this
if (bigNumber >
= smallNumber;
cout << "bigNumber: " << bigNumber
<< "\n"; cout << "smallNumber: " <<
smallNumber << "\n";
This time, if bigNumber is
larger than smallNumber, not
only is it set to the value of smallNumber, but an
informational message is printed. Listing 4.4 shows a more detailed example
branching based on relational operators.
Listing 4.4. A demonstration of branching based on
relational operators.
// Listing 4.4 - demonstrates if
// used with relational operators
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int RedSoxScore, YankeesScore;
cout << "Enter the score
for the Red Sox: ";
cin >> RedSoxScore;
cout << "\nEnter the score
for the Yankees: ";
cin >> YankeesScore;
13: cout << "\n"; 14:
if (RedSoxScore > YankeesScore)
16: cout
<< "Go Sox!\n";
if (RedSoxScore < YankeesScore)
20: cout
<< "Go Yankees!\n";
21: cout
<< "Happy days in New York!\n";
22: }
if (RedSoxScore == YankeesScore)
26: cout
<< "A tie? Naah, can't be.\n";
27: cout
<< "Give me the real score for the Yanks: ";
28: cin >> YankeesScore; 29:
30: if (RedSoxScore > YankeesScore) 31: cout <<
"Knew it! Go Sox!";
33: if (YankeesScore > RedSoxScore) 34: cout <<
"Knew it! Go Yanks!"; 35:
36: if
(YankeesScore == RedSoxScore)
37: cout
<< "Wow, it really was a tie!";
38: }
cout << "\nThanks for
telling me.\n";
return 0;
Output: Enter the score
for the Red Sox: 10
Enter the score for the
Yankees: 10
A tie? Naah, can't be
Give me the real score
for the Yanks: 8
Knew it! Go Sox!
Thanks for telling me.
Analysis: This program asks for user input of scores for two baseball
teams, which are stored in integer variables.
The variables are compared in the if statement on lines 15, 18, and 24.
If one score is higher than the other, an informational message is
printed. If the scores are equal, the block of code that begins on line 24 and
ends on line 38 is entered. The second score is requested again, and then the
scores are compared again.
Note that if the initial Yankees score was higher than the Red Sox
score, the if statement on line 15 would
evaluate as FALSE, and
line 16 would not be invoked. The test on line 18 would evaluate as
true, and the
statements on lines 20 and 21 would be invoked. Then the
if statement on line 24 would be tested, and this would be false (if line 18 was true). Thus,
the program would skip the entire block, falling through to line 39.
In this example, getting a true result in one if statement does not stop other if
statements from being tested.
Indentation Styles
Listing 4.3 shows one style of indenting if statements. Nothing is more likely to create a religious war, however,
than to ask a group of programmers what is the best style for brace alignment.
Although there are dozens of variations, these appear to be the favorite three:
Putting the initial brace after the condition and aligning the closing
brace under the if to close the statement block.
if (expression){ statements
● Aligning
the braces under the if and indenting the statements.
if (expression)
● Indenting
the braces and statements.
if (expression)
This book uses the middle alternative, because I find it easier to
understand where blocks of statements begin and end if the braces line up with
each other and with the condition being tested. Again, it doesn't matter much
which style you choose, as long as you are consistent with it.
Often your program will want to take one branch if your condition is
true, another if it is false. In Listing 4.3, you wanted to print one message (Go
Sox!) if the first test (RedSoxScore
> Yankees) evaluated
TRUE, and another message (Go
Yanks!) if it evaluated
The method shown so far, testing first one condition and then the other,
works fine but is a bit cumbersome. The keyword else can make for far more readable code:
if (expression)
Listing 4.5 demonstrates the use
of the keyword else.
Listing 4.5. Demonstrating the else keyword.
// Listing 4.5 - demonstrates if
// with else clause
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int firstNumber, secondNumber;
cout << "Please enter a
big number: ";
cin >> firstNumber;
cout << "\nPlease enter a
smaller number: ";
cin >> secondNumber;
if (firstNumber > secondNumber)
12: cout
<< "\nThanks!\n";
14: cout
<< "\nOops. The second is bigger!";
return 0;
Output: Please enter a
big number: 10
Please enter a smaller
number: 12
Oops. The second is
Analysis: The if statement on line 11 is evaluated. If the condition is true, the
statement on line 12 is run; if it is false,
the statement on line 14 is run. If the else clause on line 13 were removed, the statement on line 14
would run whether or not the if statement was true. Remember, the if statement ends after line 12. If the else was not there, line
14 would just be the next line in the program.
that either or both of these statements could be replaced with a block of code
in braces.
The if Statement
The syntax for the if
statement is as follows: Form 1
if (expression) statement;
If the expression is evaluated as TRUE, the statement is executed and the program continues with the next
statement. If the expression is not true, the statement is ignored and the
program jumps to the next statement. Remember that the statement can be a
single statement ending with a semicolon or a block enclosed in braces. Form 2
if (expression) statement1;
statement2; next statement;
If the
expression evaluates TRUE, statement1 is executed; otherwise, statement2 is executed. Afterwards, the program continues with the next statement.
Example 1
if (SomeValue < 10)
cout << "SomeValue is less than 10"); else
cout << "SomeValue is not less than 10!");
cout << "Done." << endl;
Advanced if Statements
It is worth noting that any statement can be used in an if or else clause,
even another if or else statement. Thus, you might see complex if statements in the following form:
if (expression1)
if (expression2) statement1;
if (expression3) statement2;
This cumbersome if statement says, "If
expression1 is true and expression2 is true, execute statement1. If expression1
is true but expression2 is not true, then if expression3 is true execute
statement2. If expression1 is true but expression2 and expression3 are
false, execute statement3. Finally, if expression1 is not true, execute
statement4." As you can see, complex if
statements can be confusing!
Listing 4.6 gives an example of
such a complex if statement.
Listing 4.6. A complex, nested if statement.
// Listing 4.5 - a complex nested
// if statement
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
// Ask for two numbers
// Assign the numbers to bigNumber
and littleNumber
// If bigNumber is bigger than
// see if they are evenly divisible
// If they are, see if they are the
same number
int firstNumber, secondNumber;
cout << "Enter two
numbers.\nFirst: ";
cin >> firstNumber;
cout << "\nSecond: ";
cin >> secondNumber;
cout << "\n\n";
if (firstNumber >= secondNumber)
if ( (firstNumber % secondNumber) ==
0) // evenly
(firstNumber ==
<< "They are
<< "They are
evenly divisible!\n";
29: cout
<< "They are not evenly divisible!\n";
cout << "Hey! The second
one is larger!\n";
return 0;
Enter two numbers. First: 10
They are evenly
Analysis: Two numbers are prompted for one at a time, and then
compared. The first if statement, on line 19, checks to
ensure that the first number is greater than or equal to the second. If not,
the else clause on line 31 is
If the first if is true, the block of code
beginning on line 20 is executed, and the second if statement is tested, on line 21. This checks to see whether the first
number modulo the second number yields no remainder. If so, the numbers are
either evenly divisible or equal. The if
statement on line 23 checks for equality and displays the appropriate message
either way.
If the if
statement on line 21 fails, the else
statement on line 28 is executed.
Using Braces in Nested if Statements
Although it is legal to leave out the braces on if statements that are only a single statement, and it is legal to nest if statements, such as
if (x > y)
if x is bigger than y
if (x
and if x is smaller than z
// then set x to the value in z
writing large nested statements, this can cause enormous confusion. Remember,
whitespace and indentation are a convenience for the programmer; they make no
difference to the compiler. It is easy to confuse the logic and inadvertently
assign an else
statement to the wrong if statement. Listing 4.7
illustrates this problem.
Listing 4.7. A
demonstration of why braces help clarify which else statement goes with which if
// Listing 4.7 - demonstrates why
// are important in nested if
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int x;
cout << "Enter a number
less than 10 or greater than 100: ";
cin >> x;
cout << "\n";
if (x > 10)
if (x > 100)
<< "More than 100, Thanks!\n";
// not the else intended!
<< "Less than 10, Thanks!\n";
return 0;
18: }
Output: Enter a number
less than 10 or greater than 100: 20
Less than 10, Thanks!
Analysis: The programmer intended to ask for a number between 10 and
100, check for the correct value, and then print
a thank-you note.
If the if statement on line 11 evaluates TRUE, the following statement (line 12) is executed. In this case, line 12
executes when the number entered is greater than 10. Line 12 contains an if statement also. This if statement evaluates TRUE if the number entered is greater than 100. If the number is not greater
than 100, the statement on line 13 is executed.
If the number entered is less than or equal to 10, the if statement on line 10 evaluates to FALSE. Program
control goes to the next line following the if
statement, in this case line 16. If you enter a number less than 10, the output
is as follows:
Enter a number less
than 10 or greater than 100: 9
The else clause
on line 14 was clearly intended to be attached to the if statement on line 11, and thus is indented accordingly. Unfortunately,
the else statement is really attached to
the if statement on line 12, and thus
this program has a subtle bug.
It is a
subtle bug because the compiler will not complain. This is a legal C++ program,
but it just doesn't do what was intended. Further, most of the times the
programmer tests this program, it will appear to work. As long as a number that
is greater than 100 is entered, the program will seem to work just fine.
Listing 4.8 fixes the problem by
putting in the necessary braces.
Listing 4.8. A
demonstration of the proper use of braces with an if statement
// Listing 4.8 - demonstrates proper
use of braces
// in nested if statements
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int x;
cout << "Enter a number
less than 10 or greater than 100:
cin >> x;
cout << "\n";
if (x > 10)
if (x > 100)
14: cout
<< "More than 100, Thanks!\n";
16: else //
not the else intended!
cout << "Less than 10,
return 0;
Output: Enter a number
less than 10 or greater than 100: 20
Analysis: The braces on lines 12 and 15 make everything between them into
one statement, and now the else on line 16 applies to the if on line 11 as intended.
The user
typed 20, so the if statement on line 11 is true; however, the if statement on line 13 is false, so nothing is printed. It would be
better if the programmer put another else clause after
line 14 so that errors would be caught and a message printed.
NOTE: The programs shown in this book are written to demonstrate
the particular issues being
discussed. They are kept intentionally simple; there is no attempt to
"bulletproof" the code to protect against user error. In
professional-quality code, every possible user error is anticipated and handled
Logical Operators
Often you want to ask more than one relational question at a time.
"Is it true that x is greater than y, and also true that y is greater than
z?" A program might need to determine that both of these conditions are
true, or that some other condition is true, in order to take an action.
Imagine a sophisticated alarm system that has this logic: "If the
door alarm sounds AND it is after six p.m. AND it is NOT a holiday, OR if it is
a weekend, then call the police." C++'s three logical operators are used
to make this kind of evaluation. These operators are listed in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2. The Logical Operators.
Symbol Example
&& expression2
|| expression2
A logical AND statement evaluates two expressions, and if both expressions are true,
the logical AND statement is true as well. If it
is true that you are hungry, AND it is true that you have money, THEN it is
true that you can buy lunch. Thus,
if ( (x == 5)
&& (y == 5) )
evaluate TRUE if both x and y are equal to 5, and it would
evaluate FALSE if
either one is not equal to 5. Note that both sides must be true for the entire
expression to be true.
Note that the logical AND is two && symbols. A single & symbol
is a different operator, discussed on Day 21, "What's Next."
Logical OR
A logical OR statement evaluates two expressions.
If either one is true, the expression is true. If you have money OR you have a
credit card, you can pay the bill. You don't need both money and a credit card;
you need only one, although having both would be fine as well. Thus,
if ( (x == 5) || (y ==
5) )
evaluates TRUE if
either x or y is equal to 5, or if both are.
Note that the logical OR is two || symbols. A single | symbol is a different operator,
discussed on Day 21.
Logical NOT
A logical NOT statement evaluates true if the expression being tested is false. Again, if the expression being
tested is false, the value of the test is TRUE! Thus
if ( !(x == 5) )
is true only if x is not
equal to 5. This is exactly the same as writing
if (x != 5)
Relational Precedence
Relational operators and logical operators, being C++ expressions, each
return a value: 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). Like all expressions, they have a precedence order (see Appendix A)
that determines which relations are evaluated first. This fact is important
when determining the value of the statement
It might be that the programmer wanted this expression to evaluate TRUE if both x and y are greater than 5 or if z is
greater than 5. On the other hand, the programmer might have wanted this
expression to evaluate TRUE only if x is greater than 5 and if it is also true that either y is greater than 5 or z is greater than 5.
If x is 3, and y and z are both 10, the first interpretation will be true (z is greater than 5, so ignore x and y), but the second will be false (it isn't true that both x and y are greater than 5 nor is it
true that z is greater than 5).
Although precedence will determine which relation is evaluated first,
parentheses can both change the order and make the statement clearer:
( (x
> 5) &&
(y > 5 || z > 5) )
Using the values from earlier, this statement is false. Because it is
not true that x is greater than 5, the left side
of the AND statement fails, and thus the
entire statement is false. Remember that an AND
statement requires that both sides be true--something isn't both "good
tasting" AND "good for you" if it isn't good tasting.
NOTE: It is often a good idea to use extra parentheses to clarify
what you want to group. Remember, the
goal is to write programs that work and that are easy to read and understand.
More About Truth and Falsehood
In C++, zero is false, and any other value is true. Because an
expression always has a value, many C++ programmers take advantage of this
feature in their if statements. A statement such as
(x) //
if x is true (nonzero)
= 0;
can be read as "If x has a nonzero value, set it to
0." This is a bit of a cheat; it would be clearer if written
if (x != 0) // if x is nonzero x = 0;
Both statements are legal, but the latter is clearer. It is good
programming practice to reserve the former method for true tests of logic,
rather than for testing for nonzero values.
false (zero)
== 0)
The second statement, however, is
somewhat easier to understand and is more explicit.
DO put parentheses around your
logical tests to make them clearer and to make the precedence explicit. DO
use braces in nested if statements to make the else
statements clearer and to avoid bugs. DON'T use if(x) as a
synonym for if(x != 0); the latter is clearer. DON'T use if(!x) as a synonym for if(x == 0); the
latter is clearer.
NOTE: It is common to define your own enumerated Boolean (logical)
type with enum Bool
{FALSE, TRUE};. This serves to set FALSE to 0 and TRUE to 1.
Conditional (Ternary) Operator
The conditional operator (?:) is
C++'s only ternary operator; that is, it is the only operator to take three
The conditional operator takes
three expressions and returns a value:
(expression1) ?
(expression2) : (expression3)
This line
is read as "If expression1 is true, return the value of expression2;
otherwise, return the value of expression3." Typically, this value would
be assigned to a variable.
Listing 4.9 shows an if
statement rewritten using the conditional operator.
Listing 4.9. A demonstration of the conditional operator.
// Listing 4.9 - demonstrates the
conditional operator
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int x, y, z;
cout << "Enter two
cout << "First: ";
cout << "\nSecond: ";
cin >> y;
cout << "\n";
if (x > y)
z = x;
z = y;
cout << "z: "
<< z;
cout << "\n";
22: z = (x > y) ? x : y; 23:
cout << "z: "
<< z;
cout << "\n";
return 0;
Output: Enter two
First: 5
Second: 8
z: 8 z: 8
Analysis: Three integer variables are created: x, y, and z. The first two are given values by the user. The if statement on line 14 tests to see which is larger and assigns the
larger value to z. This value is printed on line 19.
conditional operator on line 22 makes the same test and assigns z the larger value. It is read like this: "If x is greater than y, return the value of x; otherwise, return the value of y." The value returned
assigned to z. That value is printed on line
24. As you can see, the conditional statement is a shorter equivalent to the if...else statement.
This chapter has covered a lot of material. You have learned what C++
statements and expressions are, what C++ operators do, and how C++ if statements work.
You have seen that a block of statements enclosed by a pair of braces
can be used anywhere a single statement can be used.
You have learned that every expression evaluates to a value, and that
value can be tested in an if statement or by using the
conditional operator. You've also seen how to evaluate multiple statements
using the logical operator, how to compare values using the relational
operators, and how to assign values using the assignment operator.
You have explored operator precedence. And you have seen how parentheses
can be used to change the precedence and to make precedence explicit and thus
easier to manage.
Why use unnecessary parentheses when precedence will determine which operators
are acted on first?
Although it is true that the
compiler will know the precedence and that a programmer can look up the
precedence order, code that is easy to understand is easier to maintain.
If the
relational operators always return 1 or 0, why are other values considered
The relational operators return 1
or 0, but every expression returns a value, and those values can also be
evaluated in an if statement. Here's an example:
if ( (x = a + b) == 35
This is a perfectly legal C++ statement. It evaluates to a value even if
the sum of a and b is not equal to 35. Also note that x is
assigned the value that is the sum of a and b in any case.
effect do tabs, spaces, and new lines have on the program?
Tabs, spaces, and new lines
(known as whitespace) have no effect on the program, although judicious use of
whitespace can make the program easier to read.
negative numbers true or false?
All nonzero numbers, positive and negative, are
Workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of the
material covered, and exercises to provide you with experience in using what
you've learned. Try to answer the quiz and exercise questions before checking
the answers in Appendix D, and make sure that you understand the answers before
continuing to the next chapter.
What is an expression?
Is x = 5 + 7 an expression? What is its
What is the value of 201 % 4?
If myAge, a, and b are all int
variables, what are their values after:
myAge = 39; a = myAge++; b = ++myAge;
6. What is the value of 8+2*3?
7. What is the difference between x = 3 and x == 3?
8. Do the following values evaluate
a. 0
x = 0
e. x == 0 // assume that x has the value of 0
Write a single if statement that examines two integer variables and changes the larger to
the smaller, using only one else clause.
Examine the following program.
Imagine entering three numbers, and write what output you expect.
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
{ 4: int a, b, c;
cout << "Please enter
three numbers\n";
cout << "a: ";
cin >> a;
cout << "\nb: ";
cin >> b;
cout << "\nc: ";
cin >> c;
if (c = (a-b))
{cout << "a: ";
cout << a;
cout << "minus b: ";
cout << b;
cout << c << endl;}
cout << "a-b does not
equal c: " << endl;
return 0;
Enter the program from Exercise 2; compile, link,
and run it. Enter the numbers 20, 10, and
Did you get the output you expected? Why not?
Examine this program and anticipate the output:
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int a = 1, b = 1, c;
if (c = (a-b))
cout << "The value of c
is: " << c;
return 0;
Enter, compile, link, and run the program from
Exercise 4. What was the output? Why?
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