Day 6
Basic Classes
extend the built-in capabilities of C++ to assist you in representing and
solving complex, real-world problems. Today you will learn
classes and objects are.
How to
define a new class and create objects of that class.
member functions and member data are.
constructors are and how to use them.
Creating New Types
You've already learned about a number of variable types, including
unsigned integers and characters. The type of a variable tells you quite a bit
about it. For example, if you declare Height and Width
to be unsigned integers, you know that each one can hold a number between
0 and 65,535, assuming an integer is two bytes. That is the meaning of saying
they are unsigned integers; trying to hold anything else in these variables
causes an error. You can't store your name in an unsigned short integer, and
you shouldn't try.
Just by
declaring these variables to be unsigned short integers, you know that it is
possible to add Height to Width and to assign that number to
another number.
The type
of these variables tells you:
Their size in memory.
What information they can hold.
● What actions can be performed on
More generally, a type is a
category. Familiar types include car, house, person, fruit, and shape. In C++,
the programmer can create any type needed, and each of these new types can have
all the functionality and power of the built-in types.
Why Create a New Type?
are usually written to solve real-world problems, such as keeping track of
employee records or simulating the workings of a heating system. Although it is
possible to solve complex problems by using programs written with only integers
and characters, it is far easier to grapple with large, complex problems if you
can create representations of the objects that you are talking about. In other
words, simulating the workings of a heating system is easier if you can create
variables that represent rooms, heat sensors, thermostats, and boilers. The
closer these variables correspond to reality, the easier it is to write the
Classes and Members
You make a new type by declaring a class. A class is just a collection
of variables--often of different types--combined with a set of related
One way to think about a car is as a collection of wheels, doors, seats,
windows, and so forth. Another way is to think about what a car can do: It can
move, speed up, slow down, stop, park, and so on. A class enables you to
encapsulate, or bundle, these various parts and various functions into one
collection, which is called an object.
Encapsulating everything you know about a car into one class has a
number of advantages for a programmer. Everything is in one place, which makes
it easy to refer to, copy, and manipulate the data. Likewise, clients of your
class--that is, the parts of the program that use your class--can use your
object without worry about what is in it or how it works.
A class can consist of any combination of the variable types and also
other class types. The variables in the class are referred to as the member
variables or data members. A Car class might have member
variables representing the seats, radio type, tires, and so forth.
New Term: Member variables , also known as data members , are the variables
in your class. Member variables are
part of your class, just like the wheels and engine are part of your car.
The functions in the class typically manipulate the member variables.
They are referred to as member functions or methods of the class. Methods of
the Car class might include Start() and Brake().
A Cat class might have data members that represent age and weight; its
methods might include
Sleep(), Meow(), and ChaseMice().
New Term: Member functions , also known as methods , are the functions in your class.
Member functions are as much a part of your class as the member
variables. They determine what the objects of your class can do.
Declaring a Class
To declare a class, use the class keyword followed by an opening brace, and then list the data members
and methods of that class. End the declaration with a closing brace and a
semicolon. Here's the declaration of a class called Cat:
class Cat
unsigned int itsAge; unsigned int itsWeight; Meow();
Declaring this class doesn't allocate memory for a Cat. It just tells the compiler what a Cat is, what data it contains (itsAge and itsWeight), and
what it can do (Meow()). It
also tells the compiler
how big a Cat is--that is, how much room the
compiler must set aside for each Cat that you create. In this example, if an integer is two bytes, a Cat is only four bytes big: itsAge is two bytes, and itsWeight is
another two bytes. Meow() takes up
no room, because no storage space is set aside
member functions (methods).
A Word on Naming Conventions
As a programmer, you must name
all your member variables, member functions, and classes. As you
learned on Day 3, "Variables and Constants," these should be
easily understood and meaningful names. Cat, Rectangle, and Employee are good class names. Meow(), ChaseMice(), and
are good function names, because they tell you what
the functions do. Many programmers name the member
variables with the prefix its, as in itsAge, itsWeight, and itsSpeed. This helps to distinguish member variables from nonmember variables.
C++ is
case-sensitive, and all class names should follow the same pattern. That way
you never have to check how to spell your class name; was it Rectangle, rectangle, or RECTANGLE? Some programmers like to prefix every class name with a particular
letter--for example, cCat or cPerson--
others put the name in all uppercase or all lowercase. The convention that I
use is to name all classes with initial-capitalization, as in Cat and Person.
Similarly, many programmers begin all functions
with capital letters and all variables with lowercase. Words are usually
separated with an underbar--as in Chase_Mice--or by capitalizing each word--for example, ChaseMice or DrawCircle.
The important idea is that you should pick one
style and stay with it through each program. Over time, your style will evolve
to include not only naming conventions, but also indentation, alignment of
NOTE: It's common for development companies to have house
standards for many style issues. This
ensures that all developers can easily read one another's code.
Defining an Object
You define an object of your new
type just as you define an integer variable:
unsigned int
an unsigned integer
Cat Frisky;
This code defines a variable called Gross Weight whose type is an unsigned integer. It also defines Frisky, which is an object whose class (or type) is Cat.
Classes Versus Objects
You never pet the definition of a cat; you pet individual cats. You draw
a distinction between the idea of a cat, and the particular cat that right now
is shedding all over your living room. In the same way,
C++ differentiates between the class Cat, which is the idea of a cat, and each individual Cat object. Thus, Frisky is an object of type Cat in the same way in which GrossWeight is a variable of type unsigned int.
New Term: An object is an individual instance of a class.
Accessing Class Members
Once you
define an actual Cat object--for example, Frisky--you
use the dot operator (.) to access the members of that
object. Therefore, to assign 50 to Frisky's Weight member
variable, you would write
Frisky.Weight = 50;
In the same way, to call the Meow()
function, you would write
When you use a class method, you call the method. In this example, you
are calling Meow() on
In C++
you don't assign values to types; you assign values to variables. For example,
you would never write
= 5; //
The compiler would flag this as an error, because you can't assign 5 to an integer. Rather, you must define an integer variable and assign 5 to that variable. For example,
define x to be an int
x =
x's value to 5
This is a shorthand way of saying, "Assign 5 to the variable x, which is of type int." In the same way, you wouldn't write
Cat.age=5; //
The compiler would flag this as an error, because you can't assign 5 to the age part of a Cat. Rather, you must define a Cat object and assign 5 to that object. For example,
Cat Frisky;
Frisky.age = 5;
If You Dont Declare It, Your Class
Wont Have It
Try this experiment: Walk up to a three-year-old and show her a cat.
Then say, "This is Frisky. Frisky knows a trick. Frisky, bark." The
child will giggle and say, "No, silly, cats can't bark."
If you
Cat Frisky;
a Cat named Frisky
to bark
the compiler would say, No, silly, Cats can't bark. (Your compiler's wording may vary). The compiler knows that Frisky
can't bark because the Cat class doesn't have a Bark() function. The compiler wouldn't even let Frisky meow if you didn't
define a Meow()
DO use the keyword class to declare a class. DON'T confuse
a declaration with a definition. A
declaration says what a class is. A definition sets aside memory for an object.
DON'T confuse a class with an
object. DON'T assign values to a
class. Assign values to the data members of an object. DO use the dot operator (.) to access class
Private Versus Public
Other keywords are used in the declaration of a class. Two of the most
important are public and private.
All members of a class--data and methods--are private by default.
Private members can be accessed only within methods of the class itself. Public
members can be accessed through any object of the class. This distinction is
both important and confusing. To make it a bit clearer, consider an example
from earlier in this chapter:
class Cat
unsigned int itsAge; unsigned int itsWeight; Meow();
In this declaration, itsAge, itsWeight, and Meow() are all
private, because all members of a class are private by default. This means that
unless you specify otherwise, they are private.
However, if you write
Cat Boots;
Boots.itsAge=5; //
error! can't access private data!
compiler flags this as an error. In effect, you've said to the compiler,
"I'll access itsAge, itsWeight, and Meow() only from
within member functions of the Cat class."
Yet here you've accessed the itsAge member variable of the Boots object
from outside a Cat method. Just because Boots
is an object of class Cat, that doesn't mean that you can access the parts of
Boots that are
This is a source of endless confusion to new C++ programmers. I can
almost hear you yelling, "Hey! I just said Boots is a cat. Why can't Boots
access his own age?" The answer is that Boots can, but you can't. Boots,
in his own methods, can access all his parts--public and private. Even though
you've created a Cat, that doesn't mean that you can
see or change the parts of it that are private.
The way to use Cat so that
you can access the data members is
class Cat
int itsAge;
Now itsAge, itsWeight, and Meow() are all
public. Boots.itsAge=5 compiles
without problems.
Listing 6.1 shows the declaration
of a Cat class
with public member variables.
Listing 6.1. Accessing the public members of a simple
Demonstrates declaration of a class and
definition of an object of the class,
// for cout
// declare
the class object
8: public: //
members which follow are public
= 5;// assign to the member variable
<< "Frisky is a cat who is " ;
<< Frisky.itsAge << " years old.\n";
Output: Frisky is a cat
who is 5 years old.
Analysis: Line 6 contains the keyword class. This tells the compiler that what follows is a declaration. The name of the new class comes after the
keyword class. In this case, it is Cat.
The body
of the declaration begins with the opening brace in line 7 and ends with a
closing brace and a semicolon in line 11. Line 8 contains the keyword public, which indicates that everything that follows is public until the
keyword private or the
end of the class declaration.
Lines 9 and 10 contain the
declarations of the class members itsAge and itsWeight.
Line 14 begins the main function of the program. Frisky is defined in line 16 as an instance of a Cat--that is, as a Cat object.
Frisky's age is set in line 17 to
5. In lines 18 and 19, the
itsAge member variable is used to print
out a message about Frisky.
NOTE: Try commenting out line 8 and try to recompile. You will
receive an error on line 17 because itsAge will no longer have
public access. The default for classes is
private access.
Make Member Data Private
As a general rule of design, you should keep the member data of a class
private. Therefore, you must create public functions known as accessor methods
to set and get the private member variables. These accessor methods are the
member functions that other parts of your program call to get and set your
private member variables.
New Term: A public accessor method is a class member function used either to read the value of a private class member variable or to set its value.
Why bother with this extra level of indirect access? After all, it is
simpler and easier to use the data, instead of working through accessor
Accessor functions enable you to separate the
details of how the data is stored from how it is used. This enables you to
change how the data is stored without having to rewrite functions that use the
If a function that needs to know
a Cat's age
accesses itsAge directly, that function would need to be
rewritten if you, as the author of the Cat class, decided to change how that data is stored. By having the
function call GetAge(), your Cat class can easily return the right value no matter how you
arrive at
the age. The calling function doesn't need to know whether you are storing it
as an unsigned integer or a long, or whether you are computing it
as needed.
This technique makes your program easier to maintain. It gives your code
a longer life because design changes don't make your program obsolete.
Listing 6.2 shows the Cat class modified to include
private member data and public accessor methods. Note that this is not an
executable listing.
Listing 6.2. A class with accessor methods.
Cat class declaration
Data members are private, public accessor methods
mediate setting and getting the values of the private
public accessors
int GetAge();
SetAge(unsigned int Age);
int GetWeight();
SetWeight(unsigned int Weight);
public member functions
private member data
int itsAge;
int itsWeight;
Analysis: This class has five public methods. Lines 9 and 10 contain
the accessor methods for itsAge. Lines 12 and 13 contain the accessor methods for itsWeight. These accessor
set the
member variables and return their values.
public member function Meow() is
declared in line 16. Meow() is not
an accessor function. It doesn't get or set a member variable; it performs
another service for the class, printing the word Meow.
The member variables themselves
are declared in lines 20 and 21.
To set Frisky's age, you would
pass the value to the SetAge() method, as in
Cat Frisky;
Frisky.SetAge(5); //
set Frisky's age using the public accessor
Privacy Versus Security
Declaring methods or data private enables the compiler to find
programming mistakes before they become bugs. Any programmer worth his
consulting fees can find a way around privacy if he wants to. Stroustrup, the
inventor of C++, said, "The C++ access control mechanisms provide
protection against accident--not against fraud." (ARM, 1990.)
The class keyword
Syntax for the class keyword
is as follows.
class class_name
variables and methods declared here
You use
the class keyword
to declare new types. A class is a collection of class member data, which are
variables of various types, including other classes. The class also contains
class functions--or methods--which are functions used to manipulate the data in
the class and to perform other services for the class. You define objects of
the new type in much the same way in which you define any variable. State the
type (class) and then the variable name (the object). You access the class
members and functions by using the dot (.) operator. You use access control keywords to declare sections of the
class as public or private. The default for access control is private. Each keyword
changes the access control from that point on to the end of the class or until
the next access control keyword. Class declarations end with a closing brace
and a semicolon. Example 1
class Cat
unsigned int Age; unsigned int Weight; void Meow();
Cat Frisky;
Frisky.Age = 8;
Frisky.Weight = 18;
class Car
public: //
the next five are public
void Start();
void Accelerate();
void Brake();
void SetYear(int year);
int GetYear();
private: //
the rest is private
int Year;
Char Model [255];
}; //
end of class declaration
OldFaithful; //
make an instance of car
a local variable
of type int
assign 84 to the
bought =
bought to 84
call the start method
DO declare member variables private.
DO use public accessor methods.
DON'T try to use private member
variables from outside the class. DO
access private member variables from within class member functions.
Implementing Class Methods
As you've seen, an accessor function provides a public interface to the
private member data of the class. Each accessor function, along with any other
class methods that you declare, must have an implementation. The implementation
is called the function definition.
A member function definition begins with the name of the class, followed
by two colons, the name of the function, and its parameters. Listing 6.3 shows
the complete declaration of a simple Cat class
and the implementation of its accessor function and one general class member
Listing 6.3. Implementing the methods of a simple class.
Demonstrates declaration of a class and
definition of class methods,
for cout
// begin declaration of the class
begin public section
SetAge (int age); // accessor function
general function
begin private section
GetAge, Public accessor function
returns value of itsAge member
accessor function
returns sets itsAge member
Cat::SetAge(int age)
set member variable its age to
value passed in by parameter age
= age;
definition of Meow method
returns: void
parameters: None
action: Prints "meow" to screen
<< "Meow.\n";
create a cat, set its age, have it
meow, tell us its age, then meow again.
<< "Frisky is a cat who is " ;
<< Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
52; return 0; 53: }
Output: Meow.
Frisky is a cat who is 5 years old. Meow.
Analysis: Lines 6-14 contain
the definition of the Cat class. Line 8 contains the keyword public,
tells the compiler that what follows is a set of public members. Line 9 has the
declaration of the public accessor method GetAge(). GetAge() provides
access to the private member variable itsAge, which
is declared in line 13. Line 10 has the public accessor function
SetAge(). SetAge() takes an integer as an argument and sets itsAge to the value of that argument.
Line 11 has the declaration of the class method Meow(). Meow() is not
an accessor function. Here it is a general method that prints the word Meow to the screen.
Line 12 begins the private section, which includes only the declaration
in line 13 of the private member variable itsAge. The class declaration ends with a closing brace and semicolon in line
parameters; it returns an integer. Note that class methods include the
class name followed by two colons and the function name (Line 18). This syntax
tells the compiler that the GetAge() function
that you are defining here is the one that you declared in the Cat class. With the exception of this header line, the GetAge() function is created like any other function.
The GetAge() function
takes only one line; it returns the value in itsAge. Note that the main() function
cannot access itsAge because itsAge is private to the Cat class. The main() function has access to the public method GetAge(). Because GetAge() is a
member function of the Cat class, it has full access to the
itsAge variable. This access enables GetAge() to return the value of itsAge to
Line 26 contains the definition of the SetAge() member function. It takes an integer parameter and sets the value of itsAge to the value of that parameter in line 30. Because it is a member of
the Cat class, SetAge() has direct access to the member variable itsAge.
Line 37 begins the definition, or implementation, of the Meow() method of the Cat class. It is a one-line function
that prints the word Meow to the
screen, followed by a new line. Remember that the \n character prints a new line to the screen.
Line 44
begins the body of the program with the familiar main() function. In this case, it takes no arguments and returns void. In line 46, main() declares
a Cat named Frisky. In line 47, the value 5 is assigned to the itsAge member variable by way of the SetAge() accessor method. Note that the method is called by using the class name
followed by the member operator (.) and the method name (SetAge()). In
this same way, you can call any of the other methods in a class.
Line 48 calls the Meow() member
function, and line 49 prints a message using the GetAge() accessor. Line 51 calls Meow() again.
Constructors and Destructors
There are two ways to define an integer variable. You can define the
variable and then assign a value to it later in the program. For example,
// define a variable
code here
Weight = 7;
assign it a value
Or you
can define the integer and immediately initialize it. For example,
Weight = 7; //
define and initialize to 7
Initialization combines the definition of the variable with its initial
assignment. Nothing stops you from changing that value later. Initialization
ensures that your variable is never without a meaningful
How do
you initialize the member data of a class? Classes have a special member
function called a constructor. The constructor can take parameters as needed,
but it cannot have a return value--not even void. The constructor is a class method with the same name as the class
Whenever you declare a constructor, you'll also want to declare a
destructor. Just as constructors create and initialize objects of your class,
destructors clean up after your object and free any memory you might have
allocated. A destructor always has the name of the class, preceded by a tilde (~). Destructors take no arguments and have no return value. Therefore,
the Cat declaration includes
Default Constructors and Destructors
If you don't declare a constructor or a destructor, the compiler makes
one for you. The default constructor and destructor take no arguments and do
What good is a constructor that does nothing? In part, it is a matter of
form. All objects must be constructed and destructed, and these do-nothing
functions are called at the right time. However, to declare an object without
passing in parameters, such as
Rags; //
Rags gets no parameters
you must have a constructor in
the form
When you define an object of a class, the constructor is called. If the Cat constructor took two parameters, you might define a Cat object by writing
Cat Frisky (5,7);
If the
constructor took one parameter, you would write
Cat Frisky (3);
In the
event that the constructor takes no parameters at all, you leave off the
parentheses and write
Cat Frisky ;
This is an exception to the rule that states all functions require
parentheses, even if they take no parameters. This is why you are able to write
which is a call to the default constructor. It provides no parameters,
and it leaves off the parentheses. You don't have to use the compiler-provided
default constructor. You are always free to write your own constructor with no
parameters. Even constructors with no parameters can have a function body in
which they initialize their objects or do other work.
As a
matter of form, if you declare a constructor, be sure to declare a destructor,
even if your destructor does nothing. Although it is true that the default
destructor would work correctly, it doesn't hurt to declare your own. It makes
your code clearer.
Listing 6.4 rewrites the Cat class to
use a constructor to initialize the Cat object,
setting its age to whatever initial age you provide, and it demonstrates where
the destructor is called.
Listing 6.4. Using constructors and destructors.
Demonstrates declaration of a constructors and
destructor for the Cat class
for cout
// begin declaration of the class
// begin public section
SetAge(int age);
begin private section
int itsAge;
constructor of Cat,
= initialAge;
// destructor, takes no action
GetAge, Public accessor function
returns value of itsAge member
Definition of SetAge, public
accessor function
Cat::SetAge(int age)
set member variable its age to
value passed in by parameter age
= age;
definition of Meow method
returns: void
parameters: None
action: Prints "meow" to screen
<< "Meow.\n";
create a cat, set its age, have it
55 //
meow, tell us its age, then meow again.
<< "Frisky is a cat who is " ;
<< Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
<< "Now Frisky is " ;
cout << Frisky.GetAge()
<< " years old.\n"; 66; return 0;
Output: Meow.
Frisky is a cat who is
5 years old.
Now Frisky is 7 years
Analysis: Listing 6.4 is similar to 6.3, except that line 9 adds a
constructor that takes an integer. Line 10 declares the destructor, which takes no parameters. Destructors
never take parameters, and neither
19-22 show the implementation of the constructor. It is similar to the
implementation of the SetAge() accessor function. There is no
return value.
Lines 24-26 show the implementation of the destructor ~Cat(). This function does nothing, but you must include the definition of the
function if you declare it in the class declaration.
Line 58 contains the definition of a Cat object, Frisky. The
value 5 is passed in to Frisky's constructor. There is no need to call SetAge(), because Frisky was created with the value 5 in its member variable itsAge, as
shown in line 61. In line 63, Frisky's itsAge variable is reassigned to
7. Line
65 prints the new value.
DO use constructors to initialize your objects. DON'T give constructors or destructors a return value. DON'T give
destructors parameters.
const Member Functions
If you
declare a class method const, you are
promising that the method won't change the value of any of the members of the
class. To declare a class method constant, put the keyword const after the
parentheses but before the semicolon. The declaration of the constant
member function SomeFunction() takes no
arguments and returns void. It
looks like this:
void SomeFunction()
Accessor functions are often declared as constant functions by using the
const modifier. The Cat class has two accessor functions:
void SetAge(int anAge); int GetAge();
cannot be const because it changes the member variable itsAge. GetAge(), on the
other hand, can and should be const because it doesn't change the class at all. GetAge() simply
returns the current value of the member variable itsAge. Therefore, the declaration of these functions should be written like
void SetAge(int anAge); int GetAge() const;
If you declare a function to be const, and the
implementation of that function changes the object by
changing the value of any of its members, the compiler flags it as an
error. For example, if you wrote GetAge() in such a way that it kept count of the number of times that the
Cat was asked its age, it
would generate a compiler error. This is because you would be changing
the Cat object by calling this method.
Use const whenever possible. Declare member functions to be const whenever they should
not change the object. This lets the compiler help you find errors; it's faster
and less expensive than doing it yourself.
It is
good programming practice to declare as many methods to be const as possible. Each time you do, you enable the compiler to catch your
errors, instead of letting your errors become bugs that will show up when your
program is running.
Interface Versus Implementation
As you've learned, clients are the parts of the program that create and
use objects of your class. You can think of the interface to your class--the
class declaration--as a contract with these clients. The contract tells what
data your class has available and how your class will behave.
For example, in the Cat class declaration, you create a
contract that every Cat will have a member variable itsAge that can be initialized in its constructor, assigned to by its SetAge() accessor function, and read by its GetAge() accessor. You also promise that every Cat will know how to
If you make GetAge() a const function--as you should--the contract also promises that GetAge()
won't change the Cat on which
it is called.
C++ is strongly typed, which means that the
compiler enforces these contracts by giving you a compiler error when you
violate them. Listing 6.5 demonstrates a program that doesn't compile because of
violations of these contracts.
WARNING: Listing 6.5 does not compile!
Listing 6.5. A demonstration of violations of the
1: // Demonstrates compiler errors 2:
4: #include <iostream.h> // for cout 5:
11: int
GetAge() const; //
const accessor function
SetAge (int age);
constructor of Cat,
= initialAge;
<< "Cat Constructor\n";
// destructor, takes no action
<< "Cat Destructor\n";
GetAge, const function
but we violate const!
Cat::GetAge() const
return (itsAge++);
// violates const!
definition of SetAge, public
accessor function
Cat::SetAge(int age)
set member variable its age to
value passed in by parameter age
= age;
definition of Meow method
returns: void
parameters: None
action: Prints "meow" to screen
<< "Meow.\n";
54: //
demonstrate various violations of the
58: Cat
Frisky; //
doesn't match declaration
No, silly, cat's can't bark.
= 7;
is private
Analysis: As it is written, this program doesn't compile. Therefore,
there is no output. This program was fun
to write because there are so many errors in it.
Line 11 declares GetAge() to be a const accessor function--as it should be. In the body of GetAge(), however, in line 32, the member variable itsAge is incremented. Because this method is declared to be const, it must
not change the value of itsAge.
Therefore, it is flagged as an error
when the
program is compiled.
In line 13, Meow() is not
declared const. Although this is not an error, it is bad
A better design takes into account that this method doesn't change the member
variables of Cat. Therefore, Meow() should be const.
Line 58 shows the definition of a Cat object, Frisky. Cats now have a constructor, which takes an integer as a parameter. This
means that you must pass in a parameter. Because there is no parameter in line
58, it is flagged as an error.
Line 60 shows a call to a class
method, Bark(). Bark() was never declared. Therefore,
it is illegal.
Line 61 shows itsAge being
assigned the value 7. Because itsAge is a private data member, it is flagged as an error when the program is
Why Use the Compiler to Catch Errors?
While it
would be wonderful to write 100 percent bug-free code, few programmers have
been able to do so. However, many programmers have developed a system to help
minimize bugs by catching and fixing them early in the process. Although
compiler errors are infuriating and are the bane of a programmer's existence,
they are far better than the alternative. A weakly typed language enables you
to violate your contracts without a peep from the compiler, but your program
will crash at run-time-- when, for example, your boss is watching. Compile-time
errors--that is, errors found while you are compiling--are far better than
run-time errors--that is, errors found while you are executing the program.
This is because compile-time errors can be found much more reliably. It is
possible to run a program many times without going down every possible code
path. Thus, a run-time error can hide for quite a while. Compile-time errors
are found every time you compile. Thus, they are easier to identify and fix. It
is the goal of quality programming to ensure that the code has no runtime bugs.
One tried-and-true technique to accomplish this is to use the compiler to catch
your mistakes early in the
Where to Put Class Declarations and
Method Definitions
Each function that you declare for your class must
have a definition. The definition is also called the function implementation.
Like other functions, the definition of a class method has a function header
and a function body.
definition must be in a file that the compiler can find. Most C++ compilers
want that file to end with .C or .CPP. This
book uses .CPP, but check your compiler to see what it prefers.
NOTE: Many compilers assume that files ending with .C are C programs, and
that C++ program files end
with .CPP. You can use any extension, but .CPP will minimize
You are free to put the declaration in this file as well, but that is
not good programming practice. The convention that most programmers adopt is to
put the declaration into what is called a header file, usually with the same
name but ending in .H, .HP, or .HPP. This
book names the header files with
.HPP, but
check your compiler to see what it prefers.
For example, you put the declaration of the Cat class into a file named CAT.HPP, and you put the definition of the class methods into a file called CAT.CPP. You then attach the header file to the
.CPP file by
putting the following code at the top of CAT.CPP:
#include Cat.hpp
This tells
the compiler to read CAT.HPP into the
file, just as if you had typed in its contents at this point. Why bother
separating them if you're just going to read them back in? Most of the time,
clients of your class don't care about the implementation specifics. Reading
the header file tells them everything they need to know; they can ignore the
implementation files.
NOTE: The declaration of a class tells the compiler what the class
is, what data it holds, and what functions it
has. The declaration of the class is called its interface because it tells the
user how to interact with the class. The interface is usually stored in an .HPP file, which is
referred to as a header file. The function definition tells the compiler how
the function works. The function definition is called the implementation of the
class method, and it is kept in a .CPP file. The implementation details of the class are of
concern only to the author of the class. Clients of the class--that is, the
parts of the program that use the class--don't need to know, and don't care,
how the functions are implemented.
Just as you can ask the compiler
to make a regular function inline, you can make class methods inline.
The keyword inline appears
before the return value. The inline implementation of the GetWeight()
function, for example, looks like this:
inline int
itsWeight; //
return the Weight data member
You can also put the definition of a function into the declaration of
the class, which automatically makes that function inline. For example,
class Cat
GetWeight() { return itsWeight; } // inline
void SetWeight(int
Note the syntax of the GetWeight()
definition. The body of the inline function begins im-mediately after the
declaration of the class method; there is no semicolon after the paren-theses.
Like any function, the definition begins with an opening brace and ends with a
closing brace. As usual, whitespace doesn't matter; you could have written the
declaration as
class Cat
int GetWeight()
return itsWeight;
} //
void SetWeight(int
Listings 6.6 and 6.7 re-create the Cat class,
but they put the declaration in CAT.HPP and the
implementation of the functions in CAT.CPP. Listing
6.7 also changes the accessor functions and the Meow() function to inline.
Listing 6.6. Cat class declaration in CAT.HPP
(int initialAge);
GetAge() { return
cout <<
// inline!
Listing 6.7. Cat implementation in CAT.CPP.
Demonstrates inline functions
and inclusion of header files
#include "cat.hpp" // be sure to include the header files! 5:
7: Cat::Cat(int
initialAge) //constructor
= initialAge;
//destructor, takes no action
Create a cat, set its age, have it
meow, tell us its age, then meow again.
<< "Frisky is a cat who is " ;
<< Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
<< "Now Frisky is " ;
<< Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n";
Output: Meow.
is a cat who is 5 years old. Meow.
Analysis: The code presented in
Listing 6.6 and Listing 6.7 is similar to the code in Listing 6.4, except
that three of the methods are written inline in the declaration file and
the declaration has been separated into CAT.HPP.
is declared in line 7, and its inline
implementation is provided. Lines 8 and 9 provide more inline functions, but the functionality of these functions is
unchanged from the previous "outline" implementations.
Line 4 of Listing 6.7 shows #include
"cat.hpp", which brings in the listings
from CAT.HPP. By
including cat.hpp, you
have told the precompiler to read cat.hpp into the file as if it had been
there, starting on line 5.
This technique allows you to put
your declarations into a different file from your implementation, yet
have that declaration available when the compiler needs it. This is a
very common technique in C++ programming. Typically, class declarations are in
an .HPP file
that is then #included into
CPP file.
Lines 18-29 repeat the main function from Listing 6.4. This shows that
making these functions inline doesn't change their performance.
Classes with Other Classes as Member
It is not uncommon to build up a complex class by declaring simpler
classes and including them in the declaration of the more complicated class.
For example, you might declare a wheel class, a motor class, a transmission
class, and so forth, and then combine them into a car class. This declares a
has-a relationship. A car has a motor, it has wheels, and it has a
Consider a second example. A
rectangle is composed of lines. A line is defined by two points. A point
is defined by an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. Listing 6.8 shows a
complete declaration of a Rectangle class, as
might appear in RECTANGLE.HPP. Because
a rectangle is defined as four
lines connecting four points and each point refers to a coordinate on a
graph, we first declare a Point class,
to hold the x,y coordinates of each point. Listing 6.9 shows a complete
declaration of both classes.
Listing 6.8. Declaring a complete class.
Begin Rect.hpp
3: class
Point //
holds x,y coordinates
no constructor, use default
7: void
SetX(int x) { itsX = x; }
GetY()const { return itsY;}
14: }; // end of Point class declaration 15:
class Rectangle
(int top, int left, int bottom, int right);
() {}
GetTop() const { return itsTop; }
GetLeft() const { return itsLeft; }
GetBottom() const { return itsBottom; }
GetRight() const { return itsRight; }
Point GetUpperLeft() const { return itsUpperLeft; }
Point GetLowerLeft() const { return itsLowerLeft; }
Point GetUpperRight() const { return itsUpperRight;
Point GetLowerRight() const { return itsLowerRight;
SetUpperLeft(Point Location)
{itsUpperLeft =
SetLowerLeft(Point Location)
{itsLowerLeft =
SetUpperRight(Point Location)
{itsUpperRight =
SetLowerRight(Point Location)
{itsLowerRight =
SetTop(int top) { itsTop = top; }
SetLeft (int left) { itsLeft = left; }
SetBottom (int bottom) { itsBottom = bottom; }
SetRight (int right) { itsRight = right; }
43: int GetArea() const; 44:
Point itsUpperLeft;
Point itsUpperRight;
Point itsLowerLeft;
Point itsLowerRight;
end Rect.hpp
Listing 6.9. RECT.CPP.
Begin rect.cpp
top, int left, int bottom, int right)
itsLeft =
= bottom;
= right;
compute area of the rectangle by finding corners,
establish width and height and then multiply
Rectangle::GetArea() const
Width = itsRight-itsLeft;
Height = itsTop - itsBottom;
(Width * Height);
a local Rectangle variable
MyRectangle (100, 20, 50, 80 );
<< "Area: " << Area << "\n";
<< "Upper Left X Coordinate: ";
<< MyRectangle.GetUpperLeft().GetX();
Output: Area: 3000
Upper Left X
Coordinate: 20
Analysis: Lines 3-14 in Listing
6.8 declare the class Point, which is used to hold a specific x,y
coordinate on a graph. As written, this program doesn't use Points much. However, other drawing methods require Points.
the declaration of the class Point, you
declare two member variables (itsX and itsY) on lines 12 and 13. These variables hold the values of the
coordinates. As the x-coordinate increases, you move to the right on the graph.
As the y-coordinate increases, you move upward on the graph. Other graphs use
different systems. Some windowing programs, for example, increase the
y-coordinate as you move down in the window.
The Point class
uses inline accessor functions to get and set the X and Y points declared on lines 7-10. Points use the default constructor and destructor. Therefore, you must set
their coordinates explicitly.
Line 17 begins the declaration of a Rectangle class. A Rectangle consists
of four points that represent the corners of the Rectangle.
constructor for the Rectangle (line 20) takes four integers,
known as top, left, bottom,
and right. The
four parameters to the constructor are copied into four member variables
(Listing 6.9) and then the four Points are
In addition to the usual accessor functions, Rectangle has a function GetArea() declared
in line 43. Instead of storing the area as a variable, the GetArea() function computes the area on lines 28-
29 of Listing 6.9. To do this, it computes the width and the height of
the rectangle, and then it multiplies these two values.
Getting the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
requires that you access the UpperLeft point,
and ask that point for its X value. Because
GetUpperLeft()is ()a method of Rectangle, it can
directly access the private data of Rectangle, including itsUpperLeft.
Because itsUpperLeft is a Point and Point's itsX value is
private, GetUpperLeft()
cannot directly access this data. Rather, it must use the public
accessor function GetX() to
obtain that value.
Line 33 of Listing 6.9 is the beginning of the body
of the actual program. Until line 36, no memory has been allocated, and nothing
has really happened. The only thing you've done is tell the compiler how to
make a point and how to make a rectangle, in case one is ever needed.
In line 38, you make a local variable, Area, of type int. This variable holds the area of
the Rectangle that
you've created. You initialize Area with the
value returned by Rectangle's
GetArea() function.
A client of Rectangle could
create a Rectangle object
and get its area without ever looking at the implementation of GetArea().
is shown in Listing 6.8. Just by looking at the
header file, which contains the declaration of the Rectangle class,
the programmer knows that GetArea() returns
an int. How GetArea()
does its magic is not of concern to the user of
class Rectangle. In
fact, the author of Rectangle could
change GetArea() without
affecting the programs that use the Rectangle
A very close cousin to the class keyword is the keyword struct, which
is used to declare a structure. In C++, a structure is exactly like a class,
except that its members are public by default. You can declare a structure
exactly as you declare a class, and you can give it exactly the same data
members and functions. In fact, if you follow the good programming practice of
always explicitly declaring the private and public sections of your class,
there will be no difference whatsoever.
Try re-entering Listing 6.8 with
these changes:
● In line
3, change class Point to struct Point.
● In line
17, change class Rectangle to struct
Now run the program again and
compare the output. There should be no change.
Why Two Keywords Do the Same Thing
You're probably wondering why two
keywords do the same thing. This is an accident of history. When
C++ was developed, it was built as an extension of the C language. C has
structures, although C structures don't have class methods. Bjarne Stroustrup,
the creator of C++, built upon structs, but
he changed the name to class to
represent the new, expanded functionality.
DO put your class declaration in an HPP file and your member functions in a
CPP file. DO use const whenever you can. DO understand classes before you move
Today you learned how to create new data types called classes. You
learned how to define variables of these new types, which are called objects.
A class has data members, which are variables of
various types, including other classes. A class also includes member
functions--also known as methods. You use these member functions to manipulate
the member data and to perform other services.
Class members, both data and functions, can be
public or private. Public members are accessible to any part of your program.
Private members are accessible only to the member functions of the class.
It is good programming practice to isolate the interface, or
declaration, of the class in a header file. You usually do this in a file with
an .HPP extension. The implementation of
the class methods is written in a file with a .CPP extension.
Class constructors initialize objects. Class destructors destroy objects
and are often used to free memory allocated by methods of the class.
Q. How big is a class object?
A. A class
object's size in memory is determined by the sum of the sizes of its member variables. Class methods don't take up
room as part of the memory set aside for the object. Some compilers align
variables in memory in such a way that two-byte variables actually consume
somewhat more than two bytes. Check your compiler manual to be sure, but at
this point there is no reason to be concerned with these details.
Q. If I declare a class Cat with a private member
itsAge and then define two Cat objects, Frisky and Boots, can Boots access
Frisky's itsAge member variable?
A. No.
While private data is available to the member functions of a class, different
instances of the class cannot access
each other's data. In other words, Frisky's member
functions can access Frisky's data,
but not Boots'. In
fact, Frisky is a completely
independent cat from Boots, and
that is just as it should be.
Q. Why shouldn't I make all the
member data public?
A. Making
member data private enables the client of the class to use the data without
worrying about how it is stored or
computed. For example, if the Cat class has a method GetAge(),
clients of the Cat class can ask for the cat's age
without knowing or caring if the cat stores its age in a member variable, or
computes its age on the fly.
Q. If using a const function to
change the class causes a compiler error, why shouldn't I just leave out the
word const and be sure to avoid errors?
A. If your member function logically shouldn't change the class, using
the keyword const is a good way to enlist the
compiler in helping you find silly mistakes. For example, GetAge()
have no reason to change the Cat class, but your implementation has this line:
if (itsAge = 100) cout
<< "Hey! You're 100 years old\n";
Declaring GetAge() to be const causes this code to be flagged as an error. You meant to check whether itsAge is equal to 100, but instead you inadvertently assigned 100 to itsAge. Because this assignment changes the class--and you said this method
would not
change the class--the compiler is able to find the error.
This kind
of mistake can be hard to find just by scanning the code. The eye often sees
what it expects to see. More importantly, the program might appear to
run correctly, but itsAge has now
been set to a bogus number. This will cause problems sooner or later.
Is there
ever a reason to use a structure in a C++ program?
Many C++ programmers reserve the struct keyword
for classes that have no functions.
This is a throwback to the old C structures, which could not have
functions. Frankly, I find it
confusing and poor programming practice. Today's methodless structure
might need methods tomorrow. Then you'll be forced either to change the type to
class or to
break your rule and
end up with a structure with methods.
The Workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your
understanding of the material covered and exercises to provide you with
experience in using what you've learned. Try to answer the quiz and exercise
questions before checking the answers in Appendix D, and make sure you
understand the answers before continuing to the next chapter.
What is the dot operator, and what is it used for?
Which sets aside
memory--declaration or definition?
Is the declaration of a class its
interface or its implementation?
What is the difference between
public and private data members?
Can member functions be private?
Can member data be public?
If you declare two Cat objects, can they have different
values in their itsAge member
Do class declarations end with a
semicolon? Do class method definitions?
What would the header for a Cat function, Meow, that
takes no parameters and returns void look
What function is called to initialize a class?
Write the code that declares a class called Employee with these data members: age, yearsOfService, and Salary.
Rewrite the Employee class to
make the data members private, and provide public accessor methods to get and
set each of the data members.
Write a program with the Employee class that makes two Employees; sets
their age, YearsOfService, and Salary; and
prints their values.
Continuing from Exercise 3, provide a method of Employee that reports how many thousands of dollars the employee earns, rounded
to the nearest 1,000.
Change the Employee class so
that you can initialize age, YearsOfService, and Salary when you
create the employee.
BUG BUSTERS: What is wrong with the following
class Square
7. BUG BUSTERS: Why isn't the
following class declaration very useful?
class Cat
int GetAge()const; private:
8. BUG BUSTERS: What three bugs in this code will the compiler find?
class TV
SetStation(int Station);
TV myTV; myTV.itsStation = 9; TV.SetStation(10); TV
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